Pooled pension funds

Pooled pension funds at a glance

  • Available to exempt approved occupational pension schemes
  • Funds are single priced using a mid-day valuation point.
  • Dealing orders received by 11am are processed the same day. Prices are normally available by 5pm
  • The funds benefit from gross roll up of income and capital gains which alleviate the need for Trustees to manage tax reclaims
  • In specie transfers of UK equities are not subject to ad valorem stamp duty
  • No VAT for clients on fees and charges

Further information on Threadneedle’s Pooled Pension Funds can be found within:

Key Features Document effective date July 2024.

TPEN Fund Range – At a glance document.

To find out more about our Pooled Pension Funds, please contact our UK Institutional team.

Fund charges and costs explained