Our products

Significant fund changes

Important Information

Please read this important information regarding important changes we have made, or are planning to make to our fund range.

For details of significant events shown on Key Investor Information Documents (KIID), please refer to the below documents:

Significant Events related to Columbia Threadneedle (AM) Holdings PLC

On the 4th July 2022 we changed the names of our UK-domiciled funds to align them more closely with our global brand name, Columbia Threadneedle Investments. “CT” was introduced at the beginning of all UK fund names, and funds beginning with “Threadneedle” have had the word removed. For Significant event before 4th July 2022 notification will make reference to old fund names.
8 October 2024 - Changes to tobacco-related exclusions for CT Responsible and Sustainable Funds

Funds in scope for the change(s):

  • CT (Lux) Responsible Euro Corporate Bond Fund
  • CT (Lux) Responsible Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund
  • CT (Lux) Responsible Global Equity Fund
  • CT Responsible Global Equity Fund
  • CT Responsible Sterling Corporate Bond Fund
  • CT Responsible UK Equity Fund
  • CT Responsible UK Income Fund
  • CT (Lux) SDG Engagement Global Equity
  • CT (Lux) Sustainable Global Equity Enhanced Income Fund
  • CT Sustainable Global Equity Income Fund
  • CT (Lux) Sustainable Multi-Asset Income Fund
  • CT (Lux) Sustainable Opportunities European Equity Fund
  • CT Sustainable Opportunities Global Equity Fund
  • CT Sustainable Universal MAP Range

Click here to learn more.

And for further information, please refer to the below documents.

CT (Lux) SDG Engagement Global Equity Fund - Investment Policy

CT (Lux) Sustainable Global Equity Enhanced Income Fund - Investment Policy

CT Sustainable Global Equity Income Fund - Investment Policy

CT (Lux) Sustainable Multi-Asset Income Fund - Investment Policy

CT (Lux) Sustainable Opportunities European Equity Fund - Investment Policy

CT Sustainable Opportunities Global Equity Fund - Investment Policy

CT Sustainable Universal MAP Range - Investment Policy

Responsible Investment Strategies - Summary Criteria

20 August 2024 - Changes to weapons-related exclusions for CT Responsible Funds

Funds in scope for the changes:

• CT Responsible Global Equity Fund
• CT Responsible Sterling Corporate Bond Fund
• CT Responsible UK Equity Fund
• CT Responsible UK Income Fund
• CT (Lux) Responsible Euro Corporate Bond Fund
• CT (Lux) Responsible Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund

Click here to learn more.

And for further information, please consult the below document:
Responsible Investment Strategies - Summary Criteria

2 September 2024 - Changes in Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) I - Intragroup delegation

The Board of Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) I has decided to introduce the possibility to (fully or partially) delegate investment management functions to certain entities of the Group without prior amendment of the Prospectus or notification to shareholders. Further information can be found here.

1 November 2024 – CT Asia Fund – Changes to Investment Policy and Fund Name

Effective 1 November 2024, we will amend the Investment Policy of the CT Asia Fund to broaden its regional exposure, to include investment in companies in the wider Asia Pacific region. We will also take the opportunity to change the name of the Fund to the ‘CT Asia Pacific Fund’ to reflect the Investment Policy changes. Please see the Shareholder Notification and Q&A for further details.

CT Asia Fund – Shareholder Notice of Policy Change
CT Asia Fund – Adviser Notice of Policy Change
CT Asia Fund – Q&A

14 October - Fund Closure - TPEN Index-Linked Bond Fund

The TPEN Index-Linked Bond Fund will close on 14 October 2024.

Notice of closure – Investor notice

Notice of closure – Q&A

8 October 2024 – Fund Closures – CT Sterling Medium and Long-Dated Corporate Bond Fund and CT UK Index Linked Fund

The following funds (both sub-funds of Columbia Threadneedle Specialist Funds (UK) ICVC) will be closed on 8 October 2024:

CT Sterling Medium and Long-Dated Corporate Bond Fund
CT UK Index Linked Fund

Please see the Shareholder Notification and Q&A for further details.


Shareholder letter - CT Sterling Medium and Long-Dated Corporate Bond Fund

Shareholder letter - UK Index Linked Fund

Adviser letter - CT Sterling Medium and Long-Dated Corporate Bond Fund and CT UK Index Linked Fund

Q&A - CT Sterling Medium and Long-Dated Corporate Bond Fund and CT UK Index Linked Fund


2 September 2024 - Changes to the investment management arrangements of CT (Lux) American Extended Alpha, CT (Lux) American Select and CT (Lux) American Smaller Companies

Effective 2 September 2024, changes will be made to the investment management arrangements applicable to the following Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) I SICAV funds:

  1. CT (Lux) American Extended Alpha
  2. CT (Lux) American Select
  3. CT (Lux) American Smaller Companies

Further information can be found here.

2 September 2024 - Changes to CT (Lux) European Smaller Companies, CT (Lux) Pan European Smaller Companies and CT (Lux) Pan European Small Cap Opportunities

Effective 2 September 2024, changes will be made to the Prospectus definition of “European smaller companies” which applies to the following Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) I SICAV funds:

  1. CT (Lux) European Smaller Companies
  2. CT (Lux) Pan European Smaller Companies
  3. CT (Lux) Pan European Small Cap Opportunities

Further information can be found here.

2 September 2024 - Changes to the investment policies and SFDR RTS Annexes of 19 Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) I SICAV funds

Effective 2 September 2024, changes will be made to the investment policies and SFDR RTS Annexes (pre-contractual disclosures) of the following Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) I SICAV funds:

  1. CT (Lux) American
  2. CT (Lux) American Select
  3. CT (Lux) American Smaller Companies
  4. CT (Lux) Asia Equities
  5. CT (Lux) European Corporate Bond
  6. CT (Lux) European High Yield Bond
  7. CT (Lux) European Select
  8. CT (Lux) Global Corporate Bond
  9. CT (Lux) Global Equity Income
  10. CT (Lux) Global Focus
  11. CT (Lux) Global Select
  12. CT (Lux) Japan Equities
  13. CT (Lux) Pan European ESG Equities
  14. CT (Lux) UK Equities
  15. CT (Lux) US Contrarian Core Equities
  16. CT (Lux) European Smaller Companies
  17. CT (Lux) Pan European Smaller Companies
  18. CT (Lux) Pan European Small Cap Opportunities
  19. CT (Lux) Global Smaller Companies

These funds already promote environmental and social characteristics by integrating a range of responsible investment measures into the investment decision-making process, as well as ensuring that the companies in which the funds invest follow good governance practices.

From the Effective Date, the investment manager responsible for the management of the funds will increase the minimum proportion that each fund commits to holding sustainable investments, as further detailed in the SFDR RTS Annexes. For some of the funds, this will be the first time such a commitment is being made. The funds will continue to be categorised as Article 8 under SFDR.

For CT (Lux) Global Smaller Companies, additional changes are also being made to highlight Columbia Threadneedle’s commitment to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI), which will now include this fund.

Further information can be found in the below. Please refer to the numbered fund list above for the corresponding letter.

Shareholder Letter (Funds 1-15)

Shareholder Letter (Funds 16-18)

Shareholder Letter (Fund 19)

8 October 2024 - Fund Closure - TPEN UK Equity High Alpha Fund

The TPEN UK Equity High Alpha Fund will close on 8 October 2024.

Notice of closure – Investor notice

Notice of closure – Q&A

12 June 2024 – Fund Closures* - CT (Lux) European Smaller Cap, CT (Lux) Global Smaller Cap Equity and CT (Lux) US Smaller Companies

The following funds* (all sub-funds of Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) III) will be closed on 12/06/2024:

- CT (Lux) European Smaller Cap - Shareholder Notice
- CT (Lux) Global Smaller Cap Equity - Shareholder Notice
- CT (Lux) US Smaller Companies - Shareholder Notice

*these three Funds are not to be confused with CT (Lux) Global Smaller Companies, CT (Lux) European Smaller Companies and CT (Lux) American Smaller Companies Funds, which are unimpacted by this announcement.

CT MM Navigator Fund range changes: Change to investment objectives effective from 1 July 2024, and ‘A’ share class conversions effective 14 June 2024

We will be making changes to the following funds (“Funds”):
• CT MM Navigator Distribution Fund
• CT MM Navigator Cautious Fund
• CT MM Navigator Balanced Fund
• CT MM Navigator Growth Fund
• CT MM Navigator Boutiques Fund

From 1 July 2024 – Change to investment objectives: Changing each Funds’ investment objective to include a performance target benchmark (composite indices).
From 14 June 2024 – ‘A’ share class conversions: All ‘A’ share class holders of the Funds will be converted to the lower fee ‘C’ share class of the Funds.

Please refer to the relevant Q&A’s for further information on the changes to investment objectives and the conversions.

Investor notice – changes to investment objectives
Investor notice – changes to investment objectives and ‘A’ share class conversions
Q&A – changes to investment objectives
Q&A – ‘A’ share class conversions

13 June 2024 – Fund Closures – CT UK Smaller Cap Fund

The CT UK Smaller Cap Fund (a sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC II) will close on 13 June 2024.

Notice of closure - CT UK Smaller Cap Fund - Shareholder

Notice of closure - CT UK Smaller Cap Fund - Adviser

Notice of closure - Q&A




20 May 2024 - Fund Closures - CT Diversified Monthly Income Fund and CT Multi-Manager Investment Trust Fund
1 April 2024 - Change of investment management entity for Columbia Threadneedle Lifestyle and Navigator fund ranges

Investment management of the Columbia Threadneedle Lifestyle and Navigator fund ranges is changing from Columbia Threadneedle Multi-Manager LLP (“CT MM LLP”) to Columbia Threadneedle Management Limited (“CTML”) from 1 April 2024.

Shareholder Letter


3 May 2024 - Overseas Equity-Linked fund changes

The following funds (all sub funds of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) X) will have changes made to them on 3 May 2024.

Notice of change - CT Overseas Equity-Linked UK Gilt Fund

Notice of change - CT Overseas Equity-Linked UK Inflation Fund

3 May 2024 - UK Equity-Linked fund closures

The following funds (all sub funds of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) X) will be closed on 3 May 2024.

Notice of closure - CT UK Equity-Linked Inflation Fund

Notice of closure - CT UK Equity-Linked Gilt Fund

24 April 2024 - Fund Closures - CT Multi-Sector Bond Fund and CT Multi-Sector Higher Income Bond Fund
1 March 2024 - Results of Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM"): CT UK Equity Opportunities Fund Merger

At an EGM of shareholders held on 31 January 2024, the resolution put forward to merge the CT UK Equity Opportunities Fund ("Merging Fund") into the CT Growth and Income Fund ("Receiving Fund") was passed. Accordingly, the merger will take place on 1 March 2024 with the first day of dealing in New Shares in the Receiving Fund to commence on 4 March 2024.

Details of the Merging and Receiving share classes are below.

Merging Share class Name Merging ISIN Receiving Share class Name Receiving ISIN
CT UK Equity Opportunities Fund 2 Inc GB0001451722 CT UK Growth and Income Fund 2 Inc GB0001647246
CT UK Equity Opportunities Fund 2 Acc GB00BD2BT151 CT UK Growth and Income Fund Z Acc GB00BYQFJZ49
CT UK Equity Opportunities Fund Z Inc GB00B9BQ0321 CT UK Growth and Income Fund Z Inc GB00B8848T44
1 March 2024 - Proposed Merger: CT UK Equity Opportunities Fund

Columbia Threadneedle Investments is proposing to merge the CT UK Equity Opportunities Fund into the CT UK Growth and Income Fund. Both are sub-funds of Columbia Threadneedle Investment Funds (UK) ICVC, an open-ended investment company (OEIC), managed by us. All shareholders in the Merging Fund will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed merger. Please see the below documents for further details.

Shareholder Circular

Shareholder Letter



26 January 2024 – Fund Closures - CT American Extended Alpha Fund, CT China Opportunities Fund and CT UK Extended Alpha Fund

The following funds (all sub-funds of Columbia Threadneedle Specialist Funds (UK) ICVC) will be closed on 26/01/2024:

CT American Extended Alpha Fund

CT China Opportunities Fund

CT UK Extended Alpha Fund

Please see the Shareholder Notification and Q&A for further details.

CT American Extended Alpha Fund - Shareholder notice of closure

CT China Opportunities Fund - Shareholder notice of closure

CT UK Extended Alpha Fund - Shareholder notice of closure

Adviser notice of closure

Q&A notice of closure

1 November 2017 - Appointment of Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC (Columbia) as investment adviser

On 1 November 2017 we will be making changes to the way the Threadneedle Japan Fund is managed. Threadneedle Asset Management Limited (TAML), the investment manager of the Fund, will be able to delegate investment decisions for the Fund to Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC (CMIA), which is a US-based investment manager in the Columbia Threadneedle group of companies.

Find out more

29 December 2023 – Change in Benchmark – CT (Lux) SDG Engagement Global Equity Fund

Effective 29 December, the benchmark on the CT (Lux) SDG Engagement Global Equity Fund will change from the MSCI ACWI SMID Cap Index to the MSCI ACWI Mid Cap Index.

Further information can be found here.

16 November 2023 – Changes in Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) III – Intragroup delegation

The Board of Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) III has decided to introduce the possibility to (fully or partially) delegate investment management functions to certain entities of the Group without prior amendment of the Prospectus or notification to shareholders. Further information can be found here.

20 November 2023 - Changes to the investment policies and SFDR RTS Annexes of 21 Threadneedle (Lux) and Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) sub-funds

Effective 20 November, changes will be made to the investment policies and SFDR RTS Annexes (pre-contractual disclosures) of the following Threadneedle (Lux) and Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) sub-funds:

  1. Threadneedle (Lux) Asia Equities
  2. Threadneedle (Lux) European Select
  3. Threadneedle (Lux) European Smaller Companies
  4. Threadneedle (Lux) Global Equity Income
  5. Threadneedle (Lux) Global Focus
  6. Threadneedle (Lux) Global Select
  7. Threadneedle (Lux) Pan European Smaller Companies
  8. Threadneedle (Lux) European High Yield Bond
  9. Threadneedle (Lux) American Smaller Companies
  10. Threadneedle (Lux) Global Smaller Companies
  11. Threadneedle (Lux) American
  12. Threadneedle (Lux) American Select
  13. Threadneedle (Lux) Pan European Small Cap Opportunities
  14. Threadneedle (Lux) UK Equities
  15. Threadneedle (Lux) European Corporate Bond
  16. Threadneedle (Lux) Global Corporate Bond
  17. Threadneedle (Lux) US Contrarian Core Equities
  18. Threadneedle (Lux) Global Emerging Market Equities
  19. Threadneedle (Lux) Pan European ESG Equities
  20. Threadneedle (Lux) European Social Bond
  21. Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) Sustainable Outcomes Global Equity

For Funds 1-10 (as numbered above), the investment policies and SFDR RTS Annexes will be amended to introduce additional measures that support the promotion of environmental and social characteristics. The Funds will continue to be categorised as Article 8 under SFDR. For Funds 1-8, additional changes are also being made to highlight Columbia Threadneedle’s commitment to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI), which includes these Funds.

For Funds 11-18 (as numbered above), the investment policies will be amended and new SFDR RTS Annexes included to introduce the promotion of environmental and social characteristics. The changes will result in the Funds being categorised as Article 8 under SFDR. For Funds 11-16, additional changes are also being made to highlight Columbia Threadneedle’s commitment to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI), which includes these Funds.

For Threadneedle (Lux) Pan European ESG Equities, the investment policy and SFDR RTS Annex will be amended to provide additional clarity and information on the various responsible investment measures that are embedded into the existing investment decision-making process and to introduce additional measures that support the promotion of environmental and social characteristics. The Fund will continue to be categorised as Article 8 under SFDR. Additional changes are also being made to highlight Columbia Threadneedle’s commitment to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI), which includes this Fund.

For Threadneedle (Lux) European Social Bond and Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) Sustainable Outcomes Global Equity, the investment policies and SFDR RTS Annexes will be amended to allow the Funds to be re-categorised from Article 8 to Article 9 under SFDR. Additional changes are also being made to highlight Columbia Threadneedle’s commitment to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI), which includes these Funds.

Further information can be found in the below. Please refer to the numbered fund list above for the corresponding letter.

Shareholder Letter (Funds 1-8)

Shareholder Letter (Funds 9-10)

Shareholder Letter (Funds 11-16)

Shareholder Letter (Funds 17-18)

Shareholder Letter (Fund 19)

Shareholder Letter (Fund 20)

Shareholder Letter (Fund 21)

20 November 2023 - Renaming our SICAV companies and fund names


The proposals to change two of our SICAV company umbrella names, as well as their underlying fund names, were passed at Extraordinary General Meetings held on 27th September. These name changes will take effect on 20th November 2023.

In 2021 Columbia Threadneedle Investments acquired BMO’s asset management business in EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), resulting in the renaming of various funds and entities within the combined business to reflect a unified Columbia Threadneedle Investments brand in July 2022. A reminder of the changes to the names of our UK-domiciled funds can be seen here.

Renaming the Companies

Consistent with these changes, the Boards of Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) and Threadneedle (Lux) propose to amend and restate the Companies’ articles of incorporation (the “Articles”) to change the names of the two Companies as follows:

Existing Umbrella Name
New Umbrella Name
Columbia Threadneedle (Lux)
Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) II
Threadneedle (Lux)
Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) I

Renaming the sub funds

In addition to renaming the Companies, the Boards propose to change the name of the underlying funds in these umbrellas by replacing the pre-fix “Columbia Threadneedle (Lux)” with “CT(Lux)” and by replacing the pre-fix “Threadneedle (Lux)” with “CT (Lux)”, with effect from 20 November 2023, as described in Appendix 1 of the letters below. This will better align the fund names with the Columbia Threadneedle Investments brand. The renaming of the funds will not affect the way in which they are managed or their investment objectives and policies.

A draft of the restated Articles showing the relevant changes is available to shareholders free of charge at the Company’s registered office.

CT(Lux) – EGM Notice

T(Lux) – EGM Notice

Please follow this link to see all the proposed changes.

18 October 2023 - Change in Benchmark - Threadneedle (Lux) Global Technology

Effective 18 October, the benchmark on the Threadneedle (Lux) Global Technology sub-fund will change from the MSCI World Information Technology Index to the MSCI World Information Technology 10/40 Index.

Further information can be found below.

Shareholder Notice

2 October 2023 – Changes to the investment policies of 12 Columbia Threadneedle equity funds

From 2 October 2023, changes will be made to the investment policies of the following funds:

  1. CT American Smaller Companies Fund (US)
  2. CT Asia Fund
  3. CT Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund
  4. CT American Fund
  5. CT American Select Fund
  6. CT European Select
  7. CT European Smaller Companies Fund
  8. CT Global Equity Income Fund
  9. CT Global Focus Fund
  10. CT Global Select Fund
  11. CT UK Fund
  12. CT UK Sustainable Equity Fund

In summary, the investment policies of these funds will be amended to integrate certain RI measures into the decision-making process and/or highlight Columbia Threadneedle’s commitment to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI).

Further information can be found below:

Investment Policy Changes: ESG-related (Funds 1-3) – Adviser Letter

Investment Policy Changes: ESG-related (Funds 1-3) – Shareholder Letter

Investment Policy Changes: ESG-related and NZAMI (Funds 4-11) – Adviser Letter

Investment Policy Changes: ESG-related and NZAMI (Funds 4-11) – Shareholder Letter

Investment Policy Changes: NZAMI (CT UK Sustainable Equity Fund) – Adviser Letter

Investment Policy Changes: NZAMI (CT UK Sustainable Equity Fund) – Shareholder Letter

ESG and Net Zero Investment Policy Changes


2 October 2023 – Liquidity management changes – CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund and CT UK Property Authorised Trust

Effective 2 October 2023, the way liquidity is managed in the CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund and CT UK Property Authorised Trust (its feeder fund) is being changed, to allow the normal level of cash exposure to rise beyond 15%, to 15-25% (in normal circumstances).

CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund – Shareholders

CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund – Advisers

CT UK Property Authorised Trust – Unitholders

CT UK Property Authorised Trust – Adviser


21 September 2023 - Fund Closure - CT Asia Pacific Equity Fund

The CT Asia Pacific Equity Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC II) will be closed on 21/09/2023

Notice of closure – Shareholder

Notice of closure – Adviser

Notice of closure – Q&A

31 July 2023 - Changes to CT European Smaller Companies Fund

We are notifying you of some changes that we are making to our CT European Smaller Companies Fund. The Fund’s investment objective and policy is being amended on 31 July 2023 to reflect the change of benchmark index from the EMIX Smaller European Companies Ex UK Index to the MSCI Europe ex UK Small Cap Index. In addition, we are also taking this opportunity to define the time period over which the Fund aims to achieve its investment objective of capital growth.

Adviser letter

1 June 2023 - Important changes to Columbia Threadneedle Sterling Investment Grade Bond funds

From 1 June 2023, changes will be made to the investment objectives and policies of the following funds:

  1. CT Sterling Short-Dated Corporate Bond Fund
  2. CT Sterling Corporate Bond Fund
  3. CT Sterling Medium and Long-Dated Corporate Bond Fund

In summary, the changes are as follows:

  • The existing benchmark for the CT Sterling Short-Dated Corporate Bond Fund will be replaced by the iBoxx GBP Corporates 1-5 Index.
  • The iBoxx GBP Non-Gilts Index will be introduced as the formal benchmark of the CT Sterling Corporate Bond Fund.
  • The Funds’ investment policies will be updated to integrate certain RI measures into the investment decision-making process.

Further information can be found below:

Adviser letter


1 March 2023 - Notice of reopening for Dealing: CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund and CT UK Property Authorised Trust

Columbia Threadneedle will lift the temporary dealing suspension on the CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (CT UK PAIF) and its feeder fund, CT UK Property Authorised Trust with effect from 12.01 on 28 February 2023. This means that the first valuation for dealing will be Wednesday 1 March 2023. Find out more

Share class review

We carry out regular reviews of the range of funds offered by Columbia Threadneedle Investments to ensure that we are delivering value to shareholders.

As a result, we are transferring some retail investors’ holdings into an alternative share class which is in the same fund but has a lower Annual Management Charge (AMC) and lower Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF).

A copy of the letter and a list of funds and share classes affected can be found here.

Important changes to the Threadneedle Pensions Property Fund

We are notifying you of some changes that we are making to our TPEN Property Fund. Please refer to the ‘TPEN Investor Notification’, providing 3 months’ notice of these changes. For more information, please refer to the ‘TPEN Property Fund Q&A’ and corresponding Key Features Document (KFD), which will be effective from May 2023.

Changes to CT UK Property Fund and CT UK Property Feeder Fund

Following the recent transition to Columbia Threadneedle, we are taking the opportunity to make additional changes to the names of the Funds. The new names reflect more closely the nature of the Funds’ investments, while ensuring that there is sufficient differentiation from the names of other Columbia Threadneedle funds.

Investor letter

Columbia Threadneedle Fund Management Limited - Merger - CT Select UK Equity Fund

On 27 January 2023, the CT Select UK Equity Fund was merged into the CT Responsible UK Equity Fund. The merger was approved by shareholders at an EGM held on 18 November 2022. Details of the Merging and Receiving share classes are below.

Merging Shareclass Name Merging ISIN Receiving Shareclass Name Receiving ISIN
CT Select UK Equity 1 Acc GB0008463894 CT Responsible UK Equity 1 Acc GB0030833981
CT Select UK Equity 2 Acc GB0008464314 CT Responsible UK Equity 2 Acc GB0033396481
CT Select UK Equity 4 Acc GB00B5463658 CT Responsible UK Equity 4 Acc GB00B7KL2G13
CT Select UK Equity L Acc GB00BM9GGX75 CT Responsible UK Equity L Acc GB00BMY8FB96
8 November 2022 - Fund Closure - CT UK Mid-Cap Fund

The CT UK Mid-Cap Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC I) closed on 08/11/2022

Notice of closure

28 October 2022 - Changes in investment policy and objective

The investment objective and policy of the following funds changed to make them clearer and more meaningful for shareholders. Updated wording can be found in the Prospectus:

CT Responsible Global Equity Fund (a sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC V) - Prospectus

CT UK Equity Income Fund (a sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC V) - Prospectus

CT Responsible UK Equity Fund (a sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC V) - Prospectus

CT Sustainable Opportunities Global Equity Fund (a sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC I) - Prospectus

19 October 2022 - Fund Closure - CT Responsible China A-Share Equity Fund

The CT Responsible China A-Share Equity Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (Irl) II PLC) closed on 19/10/2022

Notice of closure

Dealing Suspension: CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund and CT UK Property Authorised Trust

Columbia Threadneedle Investments has suspended dealing in the CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund and its feeder fund, the CT UK Property Authorised Trust from 12 noon on 10 October 2022.

Find out more

5 October 2022 - Fund Closure - CT Corporate Bond Fund

CT Corporate Bond Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC II) closed on 05/10/22

Notice of closure

5 October 2022 - Fund Closure - CT Emerging Markets Equity Fund

The CT Emerging Markets Equity Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC II) closed on 05/10/22

Notice of closure

30 September 2022 - Change in Benchmark - CT European Real Estate Securities Fund

The CT European Real Estate Securities Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (Irl) III PLC) changed its bench from FTSE EPRA NAREIT Developed Europe Capped Index to FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe UCITS Capped Net Tax Index

22 September 2022 - Fund Closure - CT Long Dated Sterling Corporate Bond Fund

The CT Long Dated Sterling Corporate Bond Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC IV) closed on 22/09/2022

Notice of closure

22 September 2022 - Fund Closure - CT Enhanced Income UK Equity Fund

The CT Enhanced Income UK Equity Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (UK) ICVC I) closed on 22/09/2022

Notice of closure

6 September 2022 - Fund Closure - CT Enhanced Income Euro Equity Fund

The CT Enhanced Income Euro Equity Fund (sub-fund of Columbia Threadneedle (Irl) III PLC) closed on 06/09/2022

Notice of closure

4 July 2022 - Threadneedle UK - domiciled funds rename

In July 2022, we are changing the names of our UK fund umbrella companies and their sub-funds to align them more closely with our global brand name, Columbia Threadneedle Investments.

Read more

Threadneedle (Lux) AGM 2022 Notice and Proxy form
Closure of Class D on OEIC funds

New subscriptions into Class D Shares of our OEIC funds are no longer accepted as the share class will close on 2 September 2022. Regular savings and top ups are permitted until the closure of the share class.

Withdrawal of UK funds’ documents and translations for marketing materials from EU websites

Following the UK’s departure from the European Union (EU), our UK domiciled funds are no longer marketed in EU countries. As a result, Columbia Threadneedle Investments will no longer provide translations into EU languages of fund documents and marketing materials for sub-funds of Threadneedle Investment Funds ICVC and Threadneedle Specialist Investment funds ICVC (the “Funds”) and they will be withdrawn from our EU websites. These documents include Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs), factsheets and prospectuses. The changes are effective from 4 July 2022.

View Q&A

20 October 2021 - Threadneedle UK Select Fund – Result of Extraordinary General Meeting

At an EGM of shareholders held on 20 October 2021, the resolution put forward to merge the Threadneedle UK Select fund into the Threadneedle UK Fund (as detailed in the circular sent to shareholders on 20 September 2021) was passed. Accordingly, the merger will take place on 19 November 2021.

21 September 2021 - Threadneedle UK Select Fund – Proposed merger

Columbia Threadneedle Investments is proposing to merge the Threadneedle UK Select Fund into the Threadneedle UK Fund. Both are sub-funds of Threadneedle Investment Funds ICVC, an open-ended investment company (OEIC), managed by us. All shareholders in this fund will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed merger. Please see the below documents for further details.

Adviser letter


Shareholder circular


14 May 2021 - Threadneedle Managed Funds – Final reports

Following the transfer of assets from the Threadneedle Managed Funds into equivalent new sub-funds within the Threadneedle Opportunity Investment Funds ICVC, we would like to confirm that the funds were closed on 14 May 2021. Consequently, a final report relating to each fund has been prepared and is available below.

Investor letter

Threadneedle Managed Equity Income Fund - Final report and audited financial statements

Threadneedle Managed Funds - Final report and audited financial statements

Threadneedle Managed Funds – Result of Extraordinary General Meetings (“EGMs”)

At a series of EGMs of unitholders held on 10 March 2021, the resolutions put forward to merge the Existing Funds with the New Funds (as detailed in the circular sent to unitholders on 11 February 2021) were passed. Accordingly, the mergers (summarised below) will take place on 9 April 2021, with dealing in the New Funds to commence on 12 April 2021.

Manager Fund mergers

NB: The designation “II” will be removed from the name of the New Funds from the effective date of the merger.

11 February 2021 - Threadneedle Managed Funds – Proposed mergers

Columbia Threadneedle Investments is proposing to merge the Threadneedle Managed Funds range into New Funds within the Threadneedle Opportunity Investment Funds ICVC, an open-ended investment company (OEIC), managed by us. All unitholders in these funds will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed mergers. Please see the below documents for further details.

Adviser letter


Unitholder circular

Draft KIIDs

Non-UCITs status for OEICs from 1 January 2021

As the UK has now left the European Union, UK funds managed by a UK manager will no longer qualify as UCITS funds under this framework. UK-based funds do however continue to follow all of the same rules as UCITS funds. We have put together a Q&A document to help you with this transition affecting OEIC funds from the 1 January 2021.


1 May 2021 - Change of performance benchmark for the Threadneedle Sterling Short-Term Money Market Fund

With effect from 1 May 2021 (the “Effective Date”), the Fund’s investment objective (performance target) will change from seeking to provide income returns broadly in line with the 1-month GBP LIBID1 (before charges), to seeking to provide income returns broadly in line with the 1-month compounded SONIA2 rate (before charges). Please see the notification and Q&A for further details.

Corporate letter


1 London Interbank Bid Rate

2 Sterling Overnight Index Average

UK Absolute Alpha Fund Closure

Following a review of the Threadneedle UK Absolute Alpha Fund, we have decided to close the Fund. The Fund has seen a significant reduction in size in recent times and we see little prospect of growth for it in the future. We believe the closure is in the best interests of investors. To this end, we will be closing the Fund on the 15 January 2021 (the Effective Date) and dealing in the Fund will be suspended from 12.01pm on 12 January 2021. Please see the Shareholder Notification and Q&A for further details.

Corporate letter


Proposal to close the Threadneedle UK Absolute Alpha Fund

Columbia Threadneedle Investments is proposing to close the Threadneedle UK Absolute Alpha Fund. This is subject to approval by the fund’s regulator, the FCA.

We constantly review our range of funds and are committed to offering investors the best possible opportunities and value. Following a recent review, we are proposing to close this Fund due to a significant fall in the Fund’s assets and expected further redemptions. We believe that this is in the best interest of investors.

If the proposed closure is approved, we will be writing to all investors to notify them of the closure and the options available to them.

7 May 2020 - Managed Funds Range Changes: New composite indices, Reduction of fees & Compulsory conversion clause

Please refer to the other relevant Q&A’s for further information on Compulsory Conversion clause, Transfer to cheaper share class and Withdrawal of Loyalty Bonus arrangements.

Adviser letter


1 March 2020 - Prospectus Changes: Compulsory Conversion Clause

We have decided to include a compulsory conversion clause in the prospectus of the Threadneedle Managed Funds and the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Trust with effect from 1 March 2020. This will allow us to convert unit holdings from one unit class to another unit class in the same fund, where it is in investors’ best interests.


1 January 2020 - Discontinuation of Performance Fees

Effective from 1 January 2020, we have discontinued charging performance fees on the following funds (“the Funds”):

  • Threadneedle UK Absolute Alpha Fund
  • Threadneedle American Extended Alpha Fund
  • Threadneedle Global Extended Alpha Fund
  • Threadneedle UK Extended Alpha Fund
  • Threadneedle (Lux) American Extended Alpha
  • Threadneedle (Lux) Global Extended Alpha


Investment objective and policy updates

We have recently reviewed the information available to investors about our UK-based OEIC (open-ended investment company) funds and, as a result, we’re updating a number of our fund investment objectives and policies. This will provide investors with additional information regarding our investment approach. These updates will take effect from 7 August 2019.

Investor letter


31 August 2019 - Important changes to the Threadneedle UK Corporate Bond Fund

From 31 August 2019, we are making changes to the name and investment objective and policy of the Threadneedle UK Corporate Bond Fund. The changes include:

  • Changing its name to Threadneedle Sterling Corporate Bond Fund
  • Broadening and clarifying the wording used to describe the investment objective and policy

Adviser letter


Important changes to the Threadneedle Dynamic Real Return Fund

From 1 August 2019, we are making changes to the Threadneedle Dynamic Real Return Fund. The changes include broadening and clarifying the wording used to describe the investment objective and policy of the Fund.

Adviser letter


5 August 2018 - Changes to the Threadneedle Managed Funds range

From the 5 August 2019, we are making changes to the Threadneedle Managed Funds range:

  • Threadneedle Managed Bond Fund
  • Threadneedle Managed Bond Focused Fund
  • Threadneedle Managed Equity & Bond Fund
  • Threadneedle Managed Equity Focused Fund
  • Threadneedle Managed Equity Fund

The change involves some amendments to the wording of the objective and policy of the Funds to provide more clarity of how the funds are invested. Also, each of the Funds will show comparator benchmarks that can be used to measure their performance.

Adviser letter


26 July 2019 - Significant Fund Changes: Absolute Return Bond Fund

We are closing the Threadneedle Absolute Return Bond Fund on the 26 July 2019.

The Fund is being closed due to its relatively small size. The Fund’s assets have fallen to a level which makes it economically unviable to manage. We believe the closure is in the best interests of investors. To this end, we will be closing the fund on the 26 July 2019 (the Effective Date) and dealing in the Fund will be suspended from 12.01pm on 23 July 2019.

Please see the Shareholder Notification and Q&A for further details.

Adviser letter


1 July 2019 - Significant Fund Changes: Ethical UK Equity Fund

From the 1 July 2019, we are making changes to the Ethical UK Equity Fund. The changes are:

  • An amendment to the investment objective and policy to reflect the Fund’s positive focus on sustainability and to clarify how the Fund is managed;
  • Change of Fund name to “UK Sustainable Equity Fund” to reflect the changes to the objective and policy;
  • Change of benchmark to the FTSE All Share index.

Corporate letter


Sustainable Investment Guidelines


1 July 2019 - Significant Fund Changes: UK Overseas Earnings Fund

From the 1 July 2019, we are making changes to the name and the investment objective and policy of the UK Overseas Earnings Fund. The changes include:

  • Changing its name to UK Equity Opportunities Fund
  • Broadening and clarifying the wording used to describe the investment objective and policy and includes the addition of the performance benchmark for the purposes of performance comparison.

Adviser letter


Important changes to the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund and the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Trust

We have written to investors in the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund and the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Trust, to let them know that with effect from 12/04/2019, the Funds will change from being dual priced on a quoted-spread basis to being dual priced on a full-spread basis. Further information can be found below.

Adviser letter

Property Pricing Exlained

26 March 2019 - Important information about the Threadneedle Japan Fund

We would like to inform you that due to a ten-day ‘Golden Week’ holiday period in Japan this year, non-dealing days will be declared on the Threadneedle Japan Fund from Friday 26 April until Monday 6 May 2019 inclusive. This means that investors will be unable to buy, sell, ISA transfer or switch shares in the Fund during this period until it reopens for dealing on Tuesday 7 May 2019. Further information can be found below.

Adviser letter

21 May 2019 - Co-management and Delegation Arrangements

From the 21 May 2019, we are making changes to the TIF Asia Fund, TSIF China Opportunities Fund and TSIF Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund.

The Funds are currently managed by Threadneedle Asset Management Limited (TAML), the investment manager of the Funds. The changes are as follows:

  • Threadneedle Asia Fund and Threadneedle China Opportunities Fund (co-management)
    TAML will delegate some of its investment decisions to Threadneedle Investments Singapore (Pte.) Limited (TIS) for the Threadneedle Asia Fund and Threadneedle China Opportunities Fund. This will allow both co-managers and deputy managers from the Singapore office for these funds working in collaboration with TAML appointed fund managers.
  • Threadneedle Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund
    Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC (CMIA) will become the investment manager for the Threadneedle Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund. TAML will no longer be the investment manager but will continue to provide investment advice and recommendations in relation to the Fund. This change will allow both lead and deputy managers from the US offices for this Fund.

Investor letter


Important changes to the Threadneedle Sterling Fund

In accordance with new European regulations, we have received authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority, for the Threadneedle Sterling Fund to be categorised as a Short-Term VNAV Money Market Fund. To reflect the Fund’s new status, we will be making the following changes to the Fund, with effect from 1 May 2019.

  • Changing its name to “Threadneedle Sterling Short-Term Money Market Fund”.
  • Broadening and clarifying the wording used to describe the investment policy; including addition of the performance benchmark for the purposes of performance comparison.

Adviser letter


15 April 2019 - Threadneedle American Select Fund OEIC

From the 15 April 2019, we are making changes to the investment objective and policy of the Threadneedle American Select Fund. The new wording will make clear that at least 75% of the Fund will be invested in companies based specifically in the United States (US), or with significant US business operations. At the same time, the management team will be able to invest up to 25% of the Fund in companies outside the US.

Investor letter


29 January 2019 - Scheme of arrangement: The Lux funds

We recently informed you that we will transfer the assets of certain share classes of the below listed UK-based funds into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range. Please note these changes do not impact GBP share classes.

  • American Extended Alpha Fund
  • Asia Fund
  • Global Extended Alpha Fund
  • Global Select Fund
  • UK Absolute Alpha Fund

We are pleased to confirm that the transfers have now been successfully completed. Further information can be found below.

Investor letter


12 December 2018 - Scheme of Arrangement EGM update

We recently informed you of our proposal to transfer the assets of certain share classes of the below listed UK-based funds into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range. Following the shareholder vote at the extraordinary general meetings held on 12 December 2018, we can confirm that the proposed transfers have now been approved.

  • American Extended Alpha Fund
  • Asia Fund
  • Global Extended Alpha Fund
  • Global Select Fund
  • UK Absolute Alpha Fund

Investor letter


13 December 2018 - Property pricing change

On 13 December 2018, Columbia Threadneedle Investments changed the pricing of the dual-priced Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund and the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Trust from being priced on an offer basis to being priced on a bid basis.

This is to reflect the impact of transaction costs given market uncertainty and ensures the fair treatment of all our clients.

28 November 2018 - Scheme of arrangement: The Lux funds

We recently informed you that we will transfer the assets of certain share classes of the below listed UK-based funds into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range. Please note these changes do not impact GBP share classes.

  • American Smaller Companies Fund (US)
  • European Smaller Companies Fund
  • Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund
  • Global Equity Income Fund

We are pleased to confirm that the transfers have now been successfully completed. Further information can be found below.

Investor letter


20 November 2018 - Scheme of arrangement: The Lux funds

We recently informed you that we will transfer the assets of certain share classes of the below listed UK-based funds into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range. Please note these changes do not impact GBP share classes.

  • American Fund
  • American Select Fund
  • European Select Fund
  • UK Equity Income Fund
  • UK Fund

We are pleased to confirm that the transfers have now been successfully completed. Further information can be found below.

Investor letter


Transfer of customer assets (Scheme of arrangement)

We have written to investors about a proposed change to the following funds.

  • American Extended Alpha Fund
  • Asia Fund
  • Global Extended Alpha Fund
  • Global Select Fund
  • UK Absolute Alpha Fund

We are planning to transfer the assets of investors in certain share classes of each fund listed above into an equivalent share class within our established Luxembourg fund range. Please note these changes do not impact GBP share classes. The transfers will be made by a process called a scheme of arrangement.

Find out more

9 November 2018 - Scheme of Arrangement EGM update

We recently informed you of our proposal to transfer the assets of certain share classes of the below listed UK-based funds into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range. Please note these changes do not impact GBP share classes.

  • American Smaller Companies Fund (US)
  • European Smaller Companies Fund
  • Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund
  • Global Equity Income Fund

Following the shareholder vote at the extraordinary general meetings, the results of the vote are detailed in the investor letter below.

Investor Letter


20 October 2018 - Cross-border Mergers: Threadneedle Credit Opportunities Fund

We recently informed you that we will transfer the assets of the Threadneedle Credit Opportunities Fund into Threadneedle (Lux) - Credit Opportunities, an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range. We are pleased to confirm that the transfer was successfully completed on 20 October 2018. Further information can be found below.

Investor Letter


10 October 2018 - Scheme of Arrangement EGM update

We recently informed you of our proposal to transfer the assets of certain share classes of the below listed UK-based funds into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range. Please note these changes do not impact GBP share classes. Following the shareholder vote at the extraordinary general meetings held on 10 October 2018, we can confirm that the proposed transfers have now been approved.

  • American Fund
  • American Select Fund
  • European Select Fund
  • UK Equity Income Fund
  • UK Fund

We will be communicating with all impacted clients and outlining the options available to them ahead of the merger date.

Investor Letter


10 October 2018 - Cross-border Mergers: The Lux Funds

We recently informed you that we will transfer the assets of the below listed UK-based funds into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range (the “Lux Funds”). We are pleased to confirm that the transfers have now been successfully completed.

  • European Corporate Bond Fund
  • European High Yield Bond Fund
  • Pan European Fund
  • Pan European Smaller Companies Fund
  • Pan European Equity Dividend Fund

Further information can be found below.

Investor Letter


9 January 2019 - Proposed closure of Threadneedle Global Opportunities Bond Fund

The FCA has authorised the closure of the Threadneedle Global Opportunities Bond Fund. The Fund has fallen to a value that means it is no longer viable to manage. As a result, we believe the closure of the Fund is in the best interests of investors. The Fund will close on 9 January 2019.

Investor Letter


Transfer of customer assets (Scheme of arrangement)

We have written to investors about a proposed change to the following funds.

  • American Smaller Companies Fund (US)
  • European Smaller Companies Fund
  • Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund
  • Global Equity Income Fund

We are planning to transfer the assets of investors in certain share classes of each fund listed above into an equivalent share class within our established Luxembourg fund range. Please note these changes do not impact GBP share classes. The transfers will be made by a process called a scheme of arrangement.

Find out more

Transfer of customer assets (Scheme of arrangement)

We have written to investors about a proposed change to the following funds.

  • American Fund
  • American Select Fund
  • European Select Fund
  • UK Equity Income Fund
  • UK Fund

We are planning to transfer the assets of investors in certain share classes of each fund listed above into an equivalent share class within our established Luxembourg fund range. Please note these changes do not impact GBP share classes. The transfers will be made by a process called a scheme of arrangement.

Find out more

24 August 2018 - Cross-border merger EGM update

We recently informed investors of our proposal to transfer the assets of each fund listed below (the "Existing Funds") into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range (the "Lux Funds"). Following the shareholder vote at the extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) held on 24 August 2018, we can confirm that the transfers have been approved for all the affected funds.

  • European Corporate Bond Fund
  • European High Yield Bond Fund
  • Pan European Fund
  • Pan European Smaller Companies Fund
  • Pan European Equity Dividend Fund
  • Credit Opportunities Fund

We will be communicating with all impacted clients and outlining the options available to them ahead of the merger date.

Adviser letter


Transfer of Customer Assets (Cross-border Merger)

We have written to investors about a proposed change to the following funds.

  • European Corporate Bond Fund
  • European High Yield Bond Fund
  • Pan European Fund
  • Pan European Smaller Companies Fund
  • Pan European Equity Dividend Fund
  • Credit Opportunities Fund

We are planning to transfer the assets of each fund listed above into an equivalent fund within our established Luxembourg fund range. The transfer will be made by a process called a 'cross-border merger'.

Find out more

16 March 2018 - Threadneedle Navigator Unit Trusts Closure

On 16 March 2018, we transferred all the holdings in the Threadneedle Navigator Adventurous Managed Trust, Threadneedle Navigator Balanced Managed Trust, Threadneedle Navigator Cautious Managed Trust and Threadneedle Growth Managed Trust, into existing funds in our Managed funds range.

We began the closure of the Threadneedle Navigator Growth Trust, Threadneedle Navigator Income Trust and Threadneedle Navigator UK Index Tracker Trust on 22 March 2018.

Following these transfers and closures, we completed the winding up of the funds on 1 June 2018.

The final reports will be available to unitholders upon request, free of charge from 11 August 2018.

Threadneedle Navigator Trusts Final Reports

Navigator Closure Letter - Accountss 1

Navigator Closure Letter - Accounts 2b

1 September 2018 - Class L Shares - Investment Minimum

Class L Shares were launched as part of a programme of fund transfers that took place in 2016 and 2017. They are institutional share classes with lower ongoing charges and a smaller annual management fee than the other share classes in the funds.

In the event that an existing investor exits a Class L Share and then (having gained permission from the ACD) decides to reinvest in that position, the investment minimum for Class L Shares will increase from £500,000 to £100 million with effect from 1 September 2018.

Which funds are affected by this change?

  • European Fund
  • UK Equity Income Fund
  • UK Select Fund
  • US Equity Income Fund
  • UK Corporate Bond Fund

Adviser Letter


If you would like further information, please call us on 0800 953 0134* if you are in the UK or on 0044 1268 444 321* if you’re based outside of the UK. Our team is available from 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday (UK time).

*calls may be recorded

1 September 2018 - Portfolio Hedging - Threadneedle European Fund

From 1 September 2018, we will no longer use currency hedging in the “portfolio hedged” share class in the TIF European Fund. As a result of this action, the share class will become “unhedged” and will subsequently be renamed “Class L Income GBP”.

A portfolio hedged class allows the use of currency transactions to reduce the effect of exchange rate fluctuations between the portfolio currency (euro, Swiss francs etc) and the hedged currency (sterling).

Investor Letter


If you require any further information, please call us on 0800 953 0134* if you are in the UK or on 0044 1268 444 321 if you’re based outside of the UK. Our team is available from 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday (UK time).

*calls may be recorded

16 June 2018 - Compulsory share class conversion

We will be applying compulsory conversion to some of our Funds with effect from 16 June 2018. We have written to investors in the funds impacted by the change.

More information and the list of funds and share classes can be found here.

Transfer of EU customer assets to our Luxembourg fund range

On 9 May we announced plans to transfer EU customer assets from our UK OEIC fund range to equivalent funds in our established Luxembourg SICAV range, to best serve European clients after the UK departs from the European Union.

When the UK leaves the EU (and at the end of any transition period), it’s highly likely that UK-based OEIC funds will lose their UCITS status. By transferring assets to our Luxembourg fund range, we can provide certainty for our EU-based investors and ensure they remain in a UCITS-compliant fund, regardless of the final agreement between the UK and the EU.

A total of 20 funds from the Threadneedle OEIC range will be impacted. The transfers are subject to shareholder approval.

For further information please refer to the press release and Q&A.

14 May 2018 - Changes to investment policies of certain Threadneedle funds

From 14 May 2018, the funds listed below will be able to invest through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (together, Stock Connect) in mainland Chinese shares, called China A Shares.

Which funds are affected by the changes?

The following funds are affected by the changes:

  • Threadneedle Asia Fund
  • Threadneedle China Opportunities Fund
  • Threadneedle Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund
  • Threadneedle Global Select Fund
  • Threadneedle Global Extended Alpha Fund
  • Threadneedle Global Equity Income Fund

Find out more

1 February 2018 - Fee reduction

In our latest review of fees and charges, we identified opportunities to reduce charges on a number of our funds and in certain share classes. These changes will reduce the ongoing charges figures (OCF) and improve value for money for investors. The new fees and charges come into effect from 1 February 2018 and will:

  • Reduce registrar fees on a number of our UK regulated funds and in certain share classes
  • Reduce operating expenses on a number of our Luxembourg regulated funds and in certain share classes
  • Reduce the annual management charge (AMC) on a range of funds and share classes.

View list of funds

14 February 2018 - Changes to the Threadneedle Navigator Fund Range

Following a review of our fund range, we are making the following changes to the Navigator Funds to simplify our product range.

1. Fund mergers
Following approval at the extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) on 14 February 2018, the assets of the Navigator Funds listed below will be merged into other Threadneedle funds on 16 March 2018.

  • Threadneedle Navigator Adventurous Managed Trust
  • Threadneedle Navigator Balanced Managed Trust
  • Threadneedle Navigator Cautious Managed Trust
  • Threadneedle Navigator Growth Managed Trust

2. Fund closures
We will be closing the following funds on 22 March 2018:

  • Threadneedle Navigator Growth Trust
  • Threadneedle Navigator Income Trust
  • Threadneedle Navigator UK Index Tracker Trust

Dealing in the Funds will be suspended from 12 noon on 21 March 2018, and the termination process will begin on 22 March 2018.

Find out more

1 February 2018 - Prospectus changes: Compulsory conversion

From 1 February 2018 we will be updating our prospectuses for some of our funds to include the ability for us to convert investors’ shares in a fund from one share class of the fund to another share class of that same fund. This is known as compulsory conversion.

We will only be doing this for our open-ended investment funds* at this stage and not for our unit trusts.

We will only apply compulsory conversions if it is in the best interests of investors to do so. Ahead of any compulsory conversions we will write to investors in the Fund to explain what is happening, the reasons for it and to give notice of the date that the change will be taking place and we will explain what you can do if you disagree with the changes we plan to make.

For full details please read the Prospectus update section in the Investor Update.

* Threadneedle Focus Funds ICVC, Threadneedle Investment Funds ICVC, Threadneedle Opportunity Investment Funds ICVC, Threadneedle Specialist Investment Funds ICVC, Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund.

1 November 2017 - Change to management of the Threadneedle Japan Fund

On 1 November 2017 we will be making changes to the way the Threadneedle Japan Fund is managed. Threadneedle Asset Management Limited (TAML), the investment manager of the Fund, will be able to delegate investment decisions for the Fund to Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC (CMIA), which is a US-based investment manager in the Columbia Threadneedle group of companies.

Find out more