Responsible investment is continuously evolving, driven by the research and insight that fuels new discussions. Keep up to date on your responsible investing knowledge using our external ‘top picks’ of content. See what content our team have enjoyed in the last month and access thinking across third party events, articles, video and more.
Euro central banks to commence TCFD disclosures for investment portfolios
Within the next two years, the EU’s 19 central banks plus the European Central Bank will start reporting annually on the climate performance of their investment portfolios, using recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. This will help all EU member states contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy, as well as EU climate goals.
Shell says its oil production has peaked
In the boldest statement made among its peers, Shell says its total oil production peaked in 2019 and will drop 1 or 2% annually, underscoring its desire to shift into greener energy. The announcement was praised by various investors but questioned by some environmentalists – so how comprehensive is Shell’s plan?
Climate Action 100+ investors to raise corporate climate ambition for 2021 proxy voting season
Investor signatories to Climate Action 100+ are seeking higher climate ambition for the 2021 proxy season with the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters. In anticipation of the initiative’s first Net Zero Company Benchmark, investors are filing shareholder resolutions and focusing on board governance at companies that lag on key benchmark indicators.
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need
Climate change can be a daunting reading topic for many, owing to the scale of the problem at hand. Bill Gates sets out a comprehensive, practical and accessible plan for reaching zero greenhouse gas emissions to avoid a climate disaster.
The Role of Accounting and Auditing in Addressing Climate Change
With President Joe Biden’s recommitment to the Paris climate agreement, there is a renewed US focus on the policy changes and investments necessary to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Discover how accounting and independent auditing can help keep the US on track.
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative
We probably all know some of the benefits of spending time outdoors – especially at a time like now. But why? Florence Williams investigates the science behind theories involving nature, mood, health and creativity.